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Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Paid to Sign up

Paid to sign-up sites (pts) as the name implies, pays you to sign up. Pts allows for a higher pay, ranging for as much as 20 cents per free sign-up (implying you dont have to spend any money to join the site) and as much as $10 for a paid sign-up (which i do not suggest unless you really want to buy/sign-up for the offer as it is merely a discount on a higher funds)

But I warn you, please do not sign up for an offer if you have already signed up for it before, and please use the same email address to sign up as the email address you provided to the particular site while registration. Failure to do so may result in your disqualification and loss of all your earnings. Besides this, there maybe some other rules that vary from site to site

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