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Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Support Us

We need support. Your support ! Maintaining this blog is not easy, and does take time. I have done my level best to offer you advice, tips and hints on how to become successful online and WITHOUT CHARGING YOU A CENT. Most of you may shrug and say, We have no money, how can we help you ! For starters, if you are reading this page, I thank you for caring. Secondly how can you help us, we got 6 ways !

1. Comment, Review And Feedback
Yes, a comment motivates us tremendously to keep pushing forward and serving your best interests. If you agree with something say so, if something has helped you, point it out, so that other readers can follow. If alas, you disagree, make sure you tell us why. Got scammed, not paid ?? Tell us. We are listening !

2. Sites Are not available
Tell me, email me. They will be removed. Its not possible to maintain such a huge directory, but i do try my level best

3. Contribute
Found an even better site? Got paid more? Or think I'm missing something. Email me your contributions and I will put them up Here as you sent them (EVEN REFERRAL LINKS UNTOUCHED, PROMISE)

4. Bookmark Me
Yes, nothing helps more than a frequent visitor

5. Link HERE
Please do, recommend this to your friends, place a link on your blog. I may/maynot have helped you, so let me have a shot at helping someone else

6. Advertisement
To lucrative advertisers, or people searching for cheap adspace, Im open, contact me with the image on the left column

7. Funds
And if you are feeling a little generous, you could always tip me. I accept e-gold, Paypal and MoneyBookers


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