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Tuesday, 17 July 2007

The Forex

The Forex (Short Form of Foreign Exchange) is a financial market where traders can trade (buy or sell) foreign currency. It is a very exciting world of trading owing to its immense size,unpredictability and timings as the markets runs straight from 5 pm EST Sunday to 5 pm EST Friday straight. Trades can be made instantaneously and decisions to buy and sell are being made all the time.

Basic Concept of trading on the Forex - If you believe value of a market instrument is going to increase, then you would buy the instrument and at one point in the future you would sell it for a higher price. Simple !

Your goal in trading is to buy at a lower price and sell afterwards for a higher price.

The best trading platform would be Marketiva (Partly because of the 5 dollar bonus they offer for first time visitors :D )

Below are a list of resources

Please Note - Trading on the Forex does involve a considerable risk of loss of money. The ideas and tips given here do not guarantee large returns on investments. The tips posted below may/maynot have been extensively tested by me. Please use your better judgement in making the right decisions

Resources for Beginners

Marketiva - The Best Trading Platform

Why Trade the Forex ?

Basic Introduction to the Forex - Part 1 (Fundamentals)

Basic Introduction to the Forex - Part 2 (Fundamentals continued)

Basic Introduction to the Forex - Part 3 (Leverage)

Basic Introduction to the Forex - Part 4 (Types of Orders)

Basic Introduction to the Forex - Part 5 (Selecting A Broker)

Basic Introduction to the Forex - Closing Notes


Marketiva - The Best Forex Broker for Newbies

Scalping - What is it

Tips on Becoming a Profitable Trader - What everyone should know


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